Wednesday, August 20, 2014


I'm back working on R&graphics at last. I've made some progress on the shiny+rgl front, but haven't really had the time to create anything which could be posted here...
However, it's been a while, so today I thought I'd take advantage of the release of googleVis. Quick attempts to make to draw time series were quite nice. It may not be as configurable as ggplot, but it's very nice and rather easy to use:
param<-data.frame(ID=c('a','b'), M=c(1,5), Q=c(2,-3))
curves<-data.frame(ID=rep(param$ID, 100), time=sort(rep(0:99,2)))
curves$y<- param$Q+sin(curves$time/param$M)
plot(gvisMotionChart(curves, idvar = 'ID', x = 'time', y='y', options = list(width = 1500, height = 900)))
view raw gistfile1.r hosted with ❤ by GitHub

 Hopefully I'll figure out how to upload a live version for anyone to play with it... Any hint?